Saturday, October 16, 2010

Equinox is back in the water!

Equinox in her slip at Outrigger Harbour

Yes, we are back afloat!! Equinox splashed last Tuesday at American Custom Yachts, where she received her beautiful paint job (hull and cap rails, among assorted other items), had her through-hulls, bow thruster and running gear cleaned, and the dive compressor dissected, diagnosed and repaired. Ron has been double-checking every boat system since then, from having the John Deere folks aboard for a thorough check-up of the main engines, to getting repairs done on various and sundry small items (the display panel on the Frigibar freezer needed replacement, for one) and generally doing routine maintenance items so that all systems are go! All this while I was in Wisconsin visiting with my dad, who is doing very well and now home from the rehab hospital! Ron covered a lot of ground, indeed. we're down to the usual crush of work that seems to arrive during the last couple of weeks before any long-distance cruise: basically trying to get all the numerous to-do lists to coalesce and get them completed efficiently. Today, I was back aboard in the galley, deep-cleaning the empty refrigerator and wiping down the pantry shelves before sorting, stowing and inventorying  foodstuffs and cleaning items. (Whenever the boat is out of the water, no matter how little time is spent in the shipyard, things always seem to get grubbier than usual!) While I was up to my ears in Clorox Clean-up wipes, dry pantry items and canned goods, Ron changed out all the water-maker filters, the Seagull System boat-water filtration module, air compressor filter and the holding tank vent charcoal filter. He also changed the 12 kW oil and transmission oil -- both of which were done well before their scheduled maintenance interval, actually -- just to be sure every system has clean oil, fresh filters, and is in pristine condition for cruising. We are ready to go!! 

We have a full day ahead tomorrow too, as there are a few items on Eclipse that need attention, not to mention getting Tingum squared away for storage while we are gone. There are a multitude of other things that we need to attend to as well, thing at a time! Rest assured we will also be watching the Ravens-Patriots game tomorrow, never fear! 

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