Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Planned maintenance...

...never goes as planned with a boat, because Mother Nature always has her way first! We were scheduled to haul-out at Spring Cove Marina today, but with an ugly stiff wind blowing 20+ knots, we decided against it on the advice of Don Reimers at Spring Cove, and will wait until tomorrow to get hauled out. On the bright side, it gave us the opportunity to have a nice visit with Gregg Gandy!! Gregg is Kadey-Krogen's service coordinator extraordinaire who works with the KK owners to coordinate repair and service items with various boatyards around the country from Solomons to Seattle, whereever a Krogen vessel might be. As always, his cheerful expertise and explanations regarding the workings and maintenance of different systems were welcome and informative. It was reassuring to have him with us as we worked to troubleshoot some issues about which we were confused. (What IS that whining noise coming from the 24v battery charger, anyway?? Oh, a bad bearing on the fan...let's get it checked out!) It's nice to be validated that we weren't just imagining it!

Gregg and Ron chatting in the engine room

Gregg checking the punch list

After walking though the boat to check the list of requested maintenance items, from the trivial (can we get spares of the screen hatch clips?) to the more important (what size stove fiddle sea rail do we need?), we adjourned to relax and have a great dinner at CD Cafe in Solomons. We caught up on news of the girls, what's new in the main FL office, plans for the summer, plus stories abounded about passages made, places to go and things to do. A lovely evening!

Post-dinner at CD Cafe

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