Our boat neighbors aboard Medici, Charlie and Trish Medico, had their good friends Joe and Debby Sellitto, and Joe and Trish Olshefsky down for a visit this weekend, so we almost had the entire old boat neighborhood of the Pennsylvania contingent together again! (Missing the Baldonis, though!) Both the Joes have gotten out of boating and sold their boats a couple of years ago since the 6-hour+ round-trip drive every weekend was becoming too much. (Both couples also wanted to spend more time with their grandkids.) Since it's been a while since they've been down, having them back for the weekend was a wonderful time! Friday night we all went out to dinner at the Capital Grille (amidst the Preakness parade hoopla) --of course sitting at a round table per Joe S's preference -- and on Saturday afternooon, it was "hanging with da boys "while Trish, Trish and Debby went shopping. We hung out on the back cockpit of Medici, teasing Joe S about how badly Charlie has treated Joe's old slip in his absence. The neighborhood has gone downhill without Joe making sure all is right with the pier and the slips!!

Joe enjoyed his time aboard Medici despite
all his protests to the contrary
Joe enjoyed his time aboard Medici despite
all his protests to the contrary
Saturday morning Baltimore Marine Center had their first boaters flea market, so Ron and Karyn decided to join in, to lighten the load of all the boating paraphernalia that has acculumated over the years of boating. We had SO much stuff in the garage, in the shed, and in the basement from all our other boats, that it was the right time to get rid of it. We actually did quite well, much to our surprise!! We still have a long way to go, but as we're now actively working on clearing out the house to get ready to set sail, this was a great step forward!
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