Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rain rain rain rain rain....

Well, it's been a while since our last post, but Karyn was recuperating over the past weekend from an out-patient bit of surgery May 1st (all okay, all benign) and since it's been raining pretty much non-stop for the last 10 days, there's not a lot to report. We didn't take the boat out over the weekend as Ally had SATs on Saturday, May 2nd, and the weather didn't exactly motivate us on Sunday. We did accomplish a few small boat projects though: re-checking the inventory of oil change supplies (fuel filters, oil filters, final water separators, etc.) stored under our bed and going over different lists in preparation for the planned Bermuda cruise coming this summer. Lots to inspect, maintain, and prep for the journey!!

By the way, yesterday it was announced that Maryland is officially out of drought status. After the driest January-March on record, Maryland was indeed in a drought. All it took was 3+" of rain in April to pull us out of it, and of course, it's been raining every day since April ended. According to the Baltimore Sun, now "the concern now is for potential flash flooding as the surface soil becomes saturated". Good thing we live on an, boat!

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