TODAY...Cool, dry and windy conditions this morning in Marsh Harbour. Forecast today is calling for... NW@17-20K, / Atlantic seas 9-14ft in N swells on the east side of Abaco in NW swells, 4-6ft on the west side / mix of sun and clouds through the day / high temp today 68F, low 50F . MH TIDES: Low@238am (-.6 ) / High@907am (+3.1) /Low@325pm (-0.6) / High @932pm (+2.6ft) / Under a Waning Gibbous Moon 96% illuminated.
According to Barometer Bob -- the Abaco's weather guide, we're in for some chilly NW winds all week, mostly in the 15-20 knot range, as reinforcing cold fronts make their way across Florida. If it's freezing in Florida, it isn't much warmer here!! SO, while not terrible weather by any means, it's a bit of a bummer since we aren't diving any time soon with the Atlantic seas being what they are. Even on the Sea of Abaco, waves are kicking up a bit, so few boats are venturing out. But the hardest part is the cool temps!!
But weather aside, we had to say goodbye to Ally and Kayleigh this morning. We've had SUCH a nice time together these past two weeks....I can't even begin to express how quiet and empty the boat feels without them aboard! We popped them into a cab early this morning for the 7:35am BahamasAir flight out of Marsh Harbour; unfortunately their routing wasn't the best, since we could only get tickets via Nassau, then Charlotte, before they arrive in Baltimore this evening. I'm sure that they will enjoy being back with Kayleigh's family, their friends and the routine of school, but we were all a bit melancholy this morning as they left. Kayleigh was a lovely guest aboard, helpful and easy-going, and it was a great visit. She and Ally really got along well and it was fun having them with us. We miss them both!!
Ron and I made another grocery run on the bikes this morning after the girls left; we stocked up on some of the heavier items this time like laundry detergent and assorted juices. We figure that while we are here and able to get the items easily, it's best to do so! After sorting and putting all the things away, we did other boat chores, from laundry to scrubbing the heads. Again, all in a day's work....yes, we're "living the dream", but in order to live, you need clean clothes and a clean living space! Same as on land -- those chores never disappear! But perhaps with the girls gone, the amount of laundry will diminish a bit?
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