Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tropical Depression Three... now aiming for the Florida coast, and hot on our heels! I am SO glad that we took the weather window Monday night and made the crossing east from the Bahamas when we did! My heart goes out to Fluke, Aroha and Eagle, knowing that they were planning to stay put in the Wells Bay anchorage to await a better weather for their boats, but now must be hunkered down and weathering the storm. No one wants to be exposed in an open anchorage during any bad weather, so I hope all goes well for them! We are grateful that Equinox easily handled the conditions that we encountered, even with Tingum in tow, during the passage across the Gulf Stream. 

Now that we are back, with Equinox safe and sound in her berth, we've been dealing with  the  mundane issues of being back: sorting through piles of mail, completing the required paperwork for Ally's college housing and registration, and trying to get the $%^& dryer in our condo to work! Those aren't really anything but minor time-consuming tasks, as more concerning are a couple of health issues of some family members, so we are even more grateful that we are back and able to be touch with everyone again. While cruising is a dream come true in many, many ways, it has its obvious drawbacks with the distances involved, and the difficulties encountered with communication. So...right now, it's family focus time!

Thus, we're keeping an eye on the weather, and a closer eye on family, and are hoping for the best for all! Blue skies, calm seas and happy trails for all until tomorrow! 

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