Enough with the wind already!! Really!! While we got slammed by the front when it rolled through last night, with winds gusting to 40 kts., others had it worse. Right after the winds peaked, there was all sorts of yelling and scrambling out on the pier, as the sportfish docked across the way was getting pounded against the pier -- its crew hadn't secured the boat well at all, with only a single line out on the opposite side. (You would think that watching the rest of us on the pier add extra lines would have been a BIG hint, but....no.) Once again, the marina staff came to the rescue, to add more lines and keep the boat away from the pier.
We rode out the cold front well in our slip, facing bow in to the winds as we were, so we had a quiet night. In the morning, Ron got a call from Shawne (the divemaster at Valentine's) who, on his day off, wanted to go diving with Ron! They decided that they'd watch what the winds were doing and if they slacked off in the afternoon, they'd go south to Ron's dive site. Karyn opted not to go out on the tender, again, as she had no desire to ride the pounding surf in the boat with her head still recovering. She stayed aboard Equinox doing yet more boat tasks: this time replacing a snap on the small flybridge canvas cover. (The piece itself might be small, but patching and re-covering the torn hole with new canvas, then replacing the darn snap was a pain in the ass. Broke sewing machine needles, hand-held needles and stabbed myself with said needles relentlessly. I should have gone diving!!) As it turned out, the seas outside the harbor were so rough that Ron and Shawne eventually gave up and returned without even trying to grab a mooring line or drop the anchor. Karyn was surprised when they called in on the VHF so early to report their return!
The evening proved to be more fun, as Sunsets was hosting The Brilanders (a Sunday evening favorite!) once again...we love going up there for cocktails, a bit of dinner and dancing! It's amazing how crowded it is there now; when we first arrived in January, it was us...and the staff. Now, the busy season is starting!! Families with small children, couples on vacation, sportfish boats and their crew, plus spring break families and college kids...all are starting to arrive en masse!! The dance floor was crowded tonight for a change! A fun time for all, in the midst of winds and chilly weather!
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